lab group photo

The lab seeks to understand fundamental mechanisms operative in cardiovascular health and disease. Although vascular wall biology is a focus of the lab, we also have an interest in, and have worked on, questions relating to DNA repair, cancer biology, hemostasis and platelet biology, ischemic injury, myocardial biology, and cardiac ion channel function.

Dr. Irani administers and directs the lab, and is a cardiologist who administers a lab of post-docs, junior faculty, technicians, and pre-docs with diverse skills and interests who work collectively as a team. The lab also collaborates with other labs and investigators within the University of Iowa, as well as nationally, and internationally.

The lab culture nurtures scientific growth of trainees, encourages independent thought, values criticism and diversity of opinions, and thrives on members having the freedom to pursue novel hypotheses that can be tested within the limitations and expertise of the lab and its members. Trainees are expected to take, and granted, full ownership of their projects. Members of the lab are encouraged and helped with writing their own grant proposals. Many trainees of the lab have moved on to establish their own independent labs and careers.

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Please visit the Research page to learn more about some of the current projects in the lab.